"What is the planet Uranus' main components?","Carbon Dioxide and Water vapor","Hydrogen and Helium","Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide","Lithium","Hydrogen and Helium","uranus.bmp"
"Just after dusk, in which general direction do we see the full moon?","east","west","north","south","east","moon.bmp"
"The eclipse pictured is ..","a total solar eclipse","a partial eclipse","an annular eclipse","a lunar eclipse","a total solar eclipse","eclipset.bmp"
"What causes an aurora borealis?","Sunspots","Particles in the Solar Wind","Radiation Belts","X-rays","Particles in the Solar Wind",""
"Does the planet Uranus have rings?","yes","no","","","yes","uranus.bmp"
"What is the major component of Venus atmosphere?","Carbon Dioxide","Nitrogen","Helium","Hydrogen","Carbon Dioxide","venus.rle"
"What is the 6th major planet from the Sun?","Jupiter","Saturn","Uranus","Neptune","Saturn","saturn.rle"
"The orbit of Saturn around the Sun takes how long to complete?","5 years","15 years","30 years","60 years","30 years","saturn.rle"
"What is the major component of Mercury's limited atmosphere?","Carbon Dioxide","Hydrogen","Lithium","Helium","Helium","mercury.rle"
"Where is the Oort cloud located?","between Mars and Jupiter","In the area immediately beyond Pluto","outside our galaxy","in the Orion Nebula","In the area immediately beyond Pluto",""
"Which is the inner-most of the four visible moon of Jupiter?","Io","Ganymede","Triton","Europa","Io","jupiter.rle"
"When do the OUTER planets 'generally' appear brightest from Earth?","Near Opposition","During Conjunction","During an eclipse","In the winter months","Near Opposition",""
"If you observe a planet next to a full moon, the planet is near...","Opposition","Conjunction","Occultation","Superior Conjunction","Opposition","moon.bmp"
"What is the rotational period for the planet Mars (one solar martian day)?","20.4 hours","24.6 hours","42.7 hours","63.5 hours","24.6 hours","mars.bmp"
"Which asteroid did the Clementime spacecraft intend to photograph?","Eros","Geographos","Ceres","Apollo","Geographos",""
"What is the rotational period of the Moon?","Same as its period of revolution","28 days","27 days","It doesn't rotate.","Same as its period of revolution","moon.bmp"
"If a planet is in conjunction with the Earth, where is it?","On the other side of the Sun","Within 1 million kilometers","At greatest Elongation","behind the moon","On the other side of the Sun",""
"Miranda is a moon of which planet?","Jupiter","Saturn","Uranus","Neptune","Uranus","miranda.bmp"
"What objects are located in the area of space between the planets Mars and Jupiter?","comets","asteroids","meteorites","quasars","asteroids",""
"When is the Moon visible from Earth?","in dark periods only","after dusk and before dawn","during the day and night","before midnight","during the day and night","moon.bmp"
"Which two moons of Saturn have almost identical orbits, and appear to dance around each other every four years?","Enceladus and Tethys","Epimetheus and Janus","Mimas and Enceladus","Titan and Hyperion","Epimetheus and Janus",""
"In which direction does the moon appear to orbit the Earth?","rises in the east and sets in the west","rises in the west and sets in the east","neither of the above","","rises in the east and sets in the west","moon.bmp"
"What is Jupiter's main component element?","Liquid Nitrogen","Water","Liquid Hydrogen","Liquid Helium","Liquid Hydrogen","jupiter.rle"
"If a planet passes in front of a star, as seen by an observer, what has occurred?","an eclipse","an occultation","an conjunction","an abrasion","an occultation",""
"The largest satellite of Neptune (pictured) is..","Titan","Tethys","Triton","Tichion","Triton","neptune.rle"
"Which planet's surface temperatures most closely resemble the Earth's surface temperatures?","Venus","Mars","Jupiter","Mercury","Mars","earth.bmp"
"What is the major component of Saturn's atmosphere?","liquid Hydrogen","liquid Helium","liquid Nitrogen","Carbon Dioxide","liquid Hydrogen","saturn.rle"
"Several successful missions to Mars were made by which of the following spacecraft?","Mariner","Venera","Pioneer","Magellan","Mariner","mars.bmp"
"What is the distance from the Earth to the Moon at the Moon's apogee?","about 10,000 miles","about 250,000 miles","about 1.2 million miles","about 3 million miles","about 250,000 miles","moon.bmp"
"Which of the following planets has retrograde rotation?","Venus","Earth","Mars","Jupiter","Venus",""
"With the gas currently available to Jupiter, is it possible for the planet to become a star by it's own gravity?","yes","no","","","no","Jupiter.rle"
"Which of the following planets is the largest?","Earth","Saturn","Jupiter","Mars","Jupiter",""
"How long does it take light leaving the Sun to reach the Earth?","about 8 seconds","about 8 minutes","about 8 hours","about 1 AU","about 8 minutes","sun.bmp"
"What chemical element is the main fuel for the Sun?","hydrogen","helium","calcium","sodium","hydrogen","sun.bmp"
"A planetary nebula is...","rings around a planet","a nebula made of planets","a planet's atmosphere","gas and matter expelled by a dying star","gas and matter expelled by a dying star",""
"A 'shooting star' is properly known as a..","meteorite","meteor","starshot","asteroid","meteor",""
"What event usually precedes and precipitates a major aurora display?","vernal equinox","sunspots","solar flare","gamma radiation burst","solar flare",""
"How many known moons does the planet Mercury have?","none","1","2","3","none","mercury.rle"
"Mimas is a moon of what planet?","Mars","Saturn","Jupiter","Uranus","Saturn","mimas.bmp"
"The 'Great Red Spot' is seen on which planet?","Jupiter","Neptune","Saturn","Uranus","Jupiter","jupiter.rle"